NSBE Professional Membership Requirements
NSBE Professional Membership is open to any individual who has received a degree in a science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) discipline.
If you are a professional, but did not receive a degree in any of the STEM fields, you are still eligible for membership as an NSBE Professional Affiliate member.
Chapter Advisors (Collegiate or NSBE Jr. chapters) who want to join NSBE should join as NSBE Professional or NSBE Professional Affiliate members, depending on background.
The membership term is one year from August 1 – July 31 of the following year.
Steps to Join the NSBE Charleston Chapter
If you would like to join the local Charleston Professionals Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers, you can pay the Treasurer ($40) anytime between July and March or pay online at https://squareup.com/store/nsbe-charleston-professionals.
Note: If the link to dues is not available then the fiscal year has closed for accepting dues payments.
NSBE Charleston Professionals would like to encourage all local members to also pay your National Dues ($50) at https://connect.nsbe.org.